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“Crucially, the beauty of taking children outside isn't confined to the term 'Forest School.' It can be as simple as a Nature Club, a concept accessible to anyone with our support—no qualifications required”.

What is Forest School? 

The Forest School approach originated in Scandinavia and has gained popularity worldwide as an alternative and enriching educational model. Forest School is an educational approach that emphasises outdoor learning, nature exploration, and hands-on experiences in natural settings, typically woodlands or forests. 

Forest School should be an essential component of a child's education, fostering a deep connection with nature that goes beyond the typical classroom setting, learning outdoors alongside nature, encouraging safe risk taking, nature awareness, movement and more. The benefits of outdoor education are extensive and proven. It not only enhances personal and social communication skills but also contributes to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Outdoor education cultivates sensory awareness, builds resilience, sparks creativity, and nurtures a sense of responsibility for the environment.

Where do we come in? 

It's fascinating to observe how that children from the age of 2+ can effortlessly mimic various animal noises of animals they may never encounter in their lives, like lions and tigers and wolves yet struggle throughout their childhood to identify the trees, birds, or plants in their immediate surroundings. The disconnect is evident, but once introduced to outdoor education, their enthusiasm knows no bounds. Our CPD training offers a tool-box of ideas for anyone wanting to take a group outside. We firmly believe that every child, regardless of age, deserves and should have access to an outdoor education and we’re here to help that happen.

Regrettably, we understand that for many schools, the journey into 'Forest School' often concludes as early as year 2, driven by factors such as tight schedules, lack of staff training, inadequate outdoor spaces, financial constraints, or staff confidence issues. We aim to be the catalyst for change.

What do we offer? 

We offer Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training to address the challenges schools face. Our programs, whether a single session or a 4-6 week series, come with a toolbox of activities that can be executed by anyone, regardless of Forest School certification. We provide strategies for all-weather scenarios, help to inspire ways you could integrate outdoor lessons into busy schedules, maximising existing outdoor spaces, and creating outdoor education opportunities even in limited areas.

Our commitment extends to assisting schools in developing outdoor spaces if needed, with costs discussed on a case-by-case basis. 

We understand the financial constraints schools may face, but we believe that investing in outdoor education is an investment in the future well-being of both children and the planet.

Contact us to discuss more or for a quote.

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