Chartered Accountants & Business Growth Specialists

Frequently Asked Questions



How long have we been operating for?

We have been operting for 12 years as Outback2basics. We recently changed the company name to The Stone Age Company 

What is the trip all about?

The Stone Age Company is a small family run business based in a woodlands on the Shropshire/Staffordshire border. It has been operating for the last 5 years. We teach outdoor education and are passionate about encouraging children to use and respect their natural environment. We teach a mixture of Stone Age education and Bushcraft inspiring young people to be creative and enjoy the woodlands.

What happens if it rains?

We have a large marquee as our classroom in the woods

Are there toilets on site?

We have 3  compost loos and  woodland urinals all covered.

Are there any risks involved?

In the woodlands there are always risks but we have completed a full risk assessment of the woodlands that we use and monitor any hazards by keeping a dynamic risk assessment. We always start by outlining all the risks to the children and explain the rules we ask them to follow in order for us to maintain safety throughout the camp.

How many adults and staff will be present?

The school will bring at least 2 members of staff and The Stone Age Company works with a minimum of 2 staff depending on numbers.


What do the activities entail?

The activities differ depending on the choice of the school and purpose of visit. The activities can range from cave art and shelter building to fire lighting and foraging. The school will know prior to their trip so any questions regarding the activities your child will be partaking in should be directed towards the school and organisers of the trip. We do ask for parents to provide clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty.

How secure are the woodlands?

Our woodlands are part of a large estate. We share the woodlands with Fishermen who are members of the Bradford Rural Estate fishing club. The fishermen are only there during the day and it is rare that we see anyone. Our site is based some distance away from the lake. The woodlands are secured by a locked gate throughout the day and night. Our area of woodlands is nestled down a track and remains a very private area.

What do you do in case of emergency?

Our part of the woodlands can be accessed by car down a woodland track. The Outback2basics vehicle remains on site in case of emergencies. Emergency services can access us via the woodland track.
We have clear emergency procedures and all our staff have been trained in case of an emergency. We have a full first aid kit on site and all of our lead staff are First Aid qualified.

Do you ever cancel sessions?

Working outdoors we are susceptible to the elements and on some occasions we will have to postpone sessions. If the winds are 20mph or more and if it is gusting 35mph or more sessions cannot go ahead in our woods due to the safety of our group. We can cancel  on the morning of the session but try to make contact the day before. Our protocol is to head out to the woods and see the effect of the wind then report back.